weekly wishes + phytoremediation

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Monday, December 02, 2013
Hello pretties! I hope you all had a restful weekend and break if you're in America. Hopefully, you didn't get sunburnt like I somehow did!

For once, I'm actually kind of excited to have classes and work tomorrow and I love this feeling! I get to see H, I got a pretty new necklace that I want to wear and....I'm excited about a paper I'm writing! 


No, but seriously! Bear with me for a second, I'm writing on using transgenic (genetically engineered) plants for phytoremediation, which means that the plants are used either to help soak up oil or other chemicals after spills, either in soil or water. Haha point is, I'm excited about doing my research and putting together my paper. Okay, nerd time over. 

My weekly wishes for this week are actually pretty important, concrete things that I need to get done. First off, I need to unpack, today. I always leave unpacking until like I need the suitcase again for my next trip. It's kind of a problem. Secondly, I need to catch up on design! I'm not behind but I need to touch base with a few clients and I'm hoping to finish one client's drafts by Tuesday (that's you Kelly!) and another two by the weekend (heyy Sarah and Hannah!). So I've got my work cut out for me! But I can do it. 

Lastly, (threeee weekly wishes?! How ambitious, Allie!) I'm going to update my list of post ideas. It's pretty long but nothing seems quite right lately. So I'm going to spend some time taking a closer look at my blog topics and try to come up with some exciting, new ideas! 

What are your weekly wishes? Are you excited for your Monday?!

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