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New Series // Snippets 01.

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Monday, March 31, 2014
A few weeks ago, I shared some of my vision for this blog and how what I was currently doing didn't line up with that vision. I realized that I didn't just want to teach on this blog, though I truly believe that everyone has something to teach. I realized that I also wanted to show life through this blog. I want to read about what's going on in your life and though it may sound self-centered,...

Blog Post Organizer (Printable!) + Genetics 101

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Wednesday, March 26, 2014
In the last few months, I've started getting more organized with my blog. I've been keeping a place in Evernote for post ideas and using Google Calendar to plan posts ahead of time. But what I haven't found a good way to do is organize my ideas for a post ahead of time. Usually when I come up with a post idea, I'll have a couple phrases, bullet points, or pictures in my head that I want to make sure...

Weekly Goals #30

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Monday, March 24, 2014
 Helloooooo ladies! Happy Monday! Last week off from classes was oh-so-lovely! I spent the whole week with my family in Florida, where we biked around, ate so. much. yummy food and just generally hung out. Even though it was rainy a good part of the week, we still got enough beach time in for me to get sunburnt. Where did I get sunburnt, you ask? My armpits. Like that little crook in front...

Tips on Starting a Journaling Habit

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Friday, March 21, 2014
At the beginning of February, I decided that I wanted to start a regular journaling habit. I've said it time and again: journaling is not for me. My brain thinks faster than I can write and I get impatient that I can't get on paper my true thoughts on things. But I've read over and over and over again how good journaling is for you, both mentally and (surprisingly) physically. And so I keep giving...

Catching My Eye [links + love]

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Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Hellooooo! Happy Wednesday! In case you haven't gathered, I'm on a much-needed vacation in Florida with my family these days. So while I'm enjoying the sun (although it's supposed to rain, I thought I'd share some reading for you in case you're stuck inside.  For the record, a lot of these links are from blogs that I follow, but I also find a lot of great links through Pinterest...

Getting Involved in the Blog Community

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Monday, March 17, 2014
The last few weeks have been weird here on the blog. Can you feel it? I know I can. I've been out of town a good bit and I've had more guest posts than normal. I've scheduled all my posts ahead of time. I've been so busy with school that all the little details that come with blogging have fallen by the wayside. I've hardly been on Twitter, much less have I been sharing my own posts and much much...

Netflix Actually Costs Me $480 a Month (and Other Thoughts on 'Going Without')

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Monday, March 10, 2014
Let me start a non-religious post with a short religion-related note: Last Wednesday was Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of Lent in Catholic faiths. In short, Lent is the forty days leading up to the celebration of Christ's resurrection at Easter. Many people in the church use Lent as a time to "go without" certain privileges or pastimes or vices in order to focus more on their mental, physical,...

February in Favorites

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Friday, March 07, 2014
I was so not a fan of February. At least, I wasn't a fan of myself in February. I've been disconnected to just about everything (as I mentioned on Wednesday) + I've just been feeling out of it. I haven't let any comments on blogs in ages + it's all I can do to send out a tweet about new posts. But I did however, do pretty well on my February goals, even if I wish I had done better. I made...

Honest Thoughts on Balance in Blogging

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Wednesday, March 05, 2014
I've been taking a long, careful look at my blog lately. And I have to say: I'm not satisfied. I'm not a huge fan of what my blog has morphed into. My blog has become a constant question of "what can I teach people today," which is all well and good. But I'm running out of things to teach. How can I keep writing posts on productivity when I spend at least half an hour on Pinterest a day and miss...

Weekly Goals #29

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Monday, March 03, 2014
Hellooooo loves! Happy Monday! Well, I'm finally back from my trip to Colorado. Though lovely, I feel like I've been gone forever. I've hardly opened up my computer in a week and a half and it feels just weird-weird-weird. I'm still getting back into the swing of things so I'm keeping things super short and casual today. Last week, I made a goal to exercise while on vacation. But I sooorta underestimated...

5 Money-Saving Tips for (Already!) Broke College Students

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Saturday, March 01, 2014
hello, call me sassafrass readers! my names victoria, i live in the suburbs of los angeles and i have a little blog called poverty luxe, where i talk a lot about crafts, clothes, cooking, and learning to love living the broke life. im really, really happy that allie invited me over to guest post, because ive got some goodies that i dont think you want to miss out on.  spring...