February in Favorites

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Friday, March 07, 2014

I was so not a fan of February. At least, I wasn't a fan of myself in February. I've been disconnected to just about everything (as I mentioned on Wednesday) + I've just been feeling out of it. I haven't let any comments on blogs in ages + it's all I can do to send out a tweet about new posts. But I did however, do pretty well on my February goals, even if I wish I had done better.

I made an effort to focus on health + journaling this month. I ended up journaling about 6-7 times over the month, which wasn't too bad considering I was out of town (and just not journaling) for about 10 days in February. I'm really enjoying cultivating this habit + I can't wait to tell you all some of the things that I've learned + things that I love about journaling!

As far as health, I had some really great weeks and some really not-so-great weeks. I tried getting up before school (5:20!!) and doing Jillian Michaels before class. I managed it for a week, but I'm not sure it's a practical option for me in the long run. I also went skiing for a week and though I didn't "work out," I promise you, I got exercise. Other than that, nothing. No runs.

In March, my focus is organization, in schoolwork, in blogging and mentally. Due to some back-to-back travel in March, I'm just super out of things. I need to get back on a posting schedule + get my life back in shape! And speaking of things being in shape, I do need to focus on health again this month because I just wasn't satisfied with my effort in February. To put it concretely, I'm going to log all of my workouts + keep looking to find an exercise that I enjoy (hello, I still haven't gone kickboxing).

Anyways, on to my favorites of February!

This month, I finally calmed down from my Elvis kick (though only slightly) and am really digging a lot of acoustic folk stuff. Totally random: did you know you can have your phone on during takeoff/landing in planes now? On one of my flights this month, coming home from Nashville, I put on my Urbanear headphones (from H, which I love) and some Arlo Guthrie. Somehow, I totally fell asleep + didn't even wake up until we landed! And then I kept my headphones on through the airport + felt so very zen just making my way through the airport. Here are a couple songs I was listening to:

City of New Orleans // Arlo Guthrie
No Bad News // Patty Griffin
Society // Eddie Vedder
Fall At Your Feet // Boy & Bear
The Wrote and the Writ // Johnny Flynn
(Nothing But) Flowers // Talking Heads (not folk, but it's a fun song!)

Again, I read nothing, except 1984 and Othello for my literature class. Seriously, my teacher has a serious thing for dystopian literature and I've got it up to here with it. Other than that, I read the free Nook sample for a biography on Ted Bundy, but I'm too embarrassed to actually buy it. I feel like a terrible person admitting it, but I'm actually fascinated by true crime. Is that weird?

But as for non-book reading, I've done quite a bit (as in blog-reading). Again, I'm so so bad about commenting since I always read from the Bloglovin' app which for real needs a commenting feature. It's so not cool. But anyways, I loved Every Day Cheer's post on How to Write the Perfect Thank You Note. I pride myself in writing good thank yous, but the reminder is always worthwhile! Oh Happy Day's DIY Dot Wall is just beyond adorable. Lastly, A Cup of Jo's post on Feminist Stock Photos, featuring women in leadership positions and scene that may not conform to typical gender roles just make my heart happy! Nothing like a stock photo with a daddy braiding his daughter's hair.

First off, I hope you got to read every guest post that I had here last week while I was vacationing in Breckenridge. I had three ladies send me some phenomenal content + I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! Big shout-out to Kenzie, Amber and Victoria for literally being the coolest babes I know.

This month, I was particularly proud of my post on My Favorite Productivity Apps, in which I share my two biggest secrets to surviving life. Since I've started a quasi-habit of gratitude journaling, I loved that I could share with you 10 of my Prompts for Gratitude Journaling. Lastly, it seemed like everyone's favorite post around these parts lately has been my guide to Easy Peasy SEO for Blogger!

Oh man, do I love a good (preferably online) shopping day. If I had more money, this blog would be alll about fashion, makeup + good ol' home decor. But alas, I don't. But just for fun, I thought I'd share just a couple things on my wishlist lately.

Clockwise from top-left: Ombre Wreath / Pom-pom Garland / Wonderful World Print / Triceratops Succulent Planter

If you have a month recap post, please share the link! I love reading a good recap! 
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