Grateful Heart #2

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Wednesday, August 13, 2014
As a pessimist by nature, gratitude is often the last thing I want to do. These days, I can choose to let myself be consumed by anxiety about my future (starting college next week!!) or I can recognize all the opportunities and fun that this time in my life provides. Usually, I'd totally choose the first option, but why not, just once, choose the second? Right now, I'm grateful that...

+ I got to see H this morning, for the first time in over a month. We've gone (and will go!) a lot longer without seeing each other, but it was still so nice to be together. We made breakfast together--pancakes and bacon--and just spent time together. 

+ I also spent time with my best friend today, which was so nice. I love all of the girls I hang out with in the summer but because I only see them two months out of the year, we just aren't as close. But this girl + I can chat about literally anything, even though we haven't talked much over the last few months. We have good feel talks.

+ I'm wrapping up a design that I'm really happy with. This gal is bold and fun and I feel like I'm making her design reflect that. I'm so excited to share it with you in the next few weeks!

+ Starting school means so many exciting opportunities--including a chance to grow. I struggle with anxiety, especially in places where I don't know people. But I've learned that I can prevent a lot (but not all) of my anxiety just with my attitude. I know it'll be hard to make new friends + settle in a new place. But it's so going to be worth it + I know I can do it.

What are you grateful for this week?
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