Weekly Goals #40

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Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Photo By Gabriel Santiago
Y'all. The last few weeks have really been tossing me around. Do you ever have those periods of time--days, weeks, months?--when nothing seems to go right? When you just want to be productive and make great things happen but little problems keep stopping you in your tracks? 

That's how the last two weeks haave been for me. Between overcommitting myself to everything, learning to get in the groove of classes and a horde of technology issues, it seems that I'm behind on most things in my life right now. 

But it's okay. I feel like I'm on the upswing of this funk + I can feel good things coming! And in order to refocus on the things that matter, weekly goals felt appropriate.

This Week's Goals:

+ Practice better time-management strategies. I know this is super vague, but basically, I'm not liking my current routine. Because of my class schedule, I have a bunch of 45-minute chunks scattered throughout my day. I've found that I struggle with making small chunks of time productive.

+ Come up with 10 quality new ideas for posts. When I'm busy, I tend to post routine things like link roundups or whatever. But I really want to focus this week on taking time to write high-quality content. 

+ Look for ways to eat better. Seriously, I'm becoming much too acquainted with the Freshman 15 and that's so not okay with me. I've been exercising super regularly, but it's the food side that I struggle with. 

What are your goals this week?

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