So What Have I Really Been Up To?

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Friday, June 19, 2015
Confession: I hate writing posts about my life. Like does anyone want to read these? But in the spirit of building those relationships I talked about the other day, I want to give you a peek into what my life has been like the last few weeks! And also--I want to know what you've been up to! Leave me a comment and update me on you. :)

Anyways, the last time we really chatted was all the way back in March. Wat. 

Since then, I finished my first year of college (and I'm still trying to figure out how to answer the ever-present "OMG, how was college?!" question). I passed all my exams, most with flying colors. I spent a whole lovely month with my best friends from home (NC) and my family and H, before leaving to spend a few weeks in Europe, traveling through Germany, Austria, and the Czech Republic. That was fun. I could obviously make that into a few posts in itself, but we'll leave it at that.

And now? I'm in Michigan, for the summer as always. This summer, I'm working at the ice cream shop in town and I'm already mentally preparing myself for the late nights and sugar temptations. I'll be taking an online class in a few weeks (Food Economics....funnnn) and just doing the same old. 

That's pretty much it! Now, your turn. How's life?!

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