My Word for 2016 / #BeBold2016 Link-up

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Friday, January 08, 2016
Be Bold in 2016 – a Blogging Linkup

WOOHOO! Today's the day!

I'm so excited to be one of your hosts for the Be Bold in 2016 linkup with Kate, Gina, Christina and Cathetine! These ladies all have amazing, inspiring blogs and I can't wait to see what they come up with for our prompts. But even more than that, I can't wait to see what you have to say on our topics for the next few weeks.

What are our topics again?

You can read the original post to see allll the exciting info, but in short, today we are chatting about our 'word' or phrase to focus on for 2016. Next Friday, (January 15th) we'll be talking about how this word applies to our blogging goals. The following two weeks, starting on Friday, we'll be applying our chosen focus to our health goals (Jan. 22) and our personal goals (Jan. 29). 

What do I do?

If you are a blogger, you can write your own post responding to the prompt for each week. Starting the Friday of each week, you can add your own post in the link up (the first one is below!). If you are not a blogger, we'd still love to hear from you! Leave your responses down in the comments.

No matter if you're a blogger or not, we'd love for you to take some time and check out some of the other awesome bloggers joining in this project (especially the hosts!). Leave a comment, send a tweet (use #BeBold2016!), or just take some time to check out some new blogs. You might find a new favorite!

My focus for 2016:

My word for 2016 is MINDFUL. 

When I first played with the idea of choosing the word 'mindful', I was hesitant. Especially in self-improvement/wellness circles, the idea of mindfulness has become so sexy and trendy to the point that it seems cliche. It makes me think of people who promise that if you mediate every day, then you'll find true love and a six-figure salary and everything you ever wanted in a month. 

That's not what I'm talking about. 

Being mindful means checking in with myself. It means accepting the bad emotions just as readily as the good emotions. It means basking in the fact that I'm very talented at somethings, but also identifying my human failures and flaws.

It means recognizing when I just can't work anymore and I need to spend time nurturing myself...but it also means recognizing when I have more potential than I'm putting to use. It's cutting myself slack when necessary, but recognizing when I am capable of taking up a challenge. 

I want to be present in the facts of what my current situation is at all times, accepting them as truth before I decide how to handle them. I want to control how I act, instead of reacting to things that happen around me.

My goal to live by the word 'mindful' means I'll be spending less time consumed by technology, people who aren't kind, and other distractions. Life is good + it's time I give it a little more intention.

Your turn!

Join in the link-up below or leave a comment telling me about your word or focus for the month! I can't wait to read what you all have to say. I'll be reading every single one of the posts in the link-up and I hope to comment on most, if not all of them. Each week, I'll be sharing a favorite (or a few favorite) post from the previous prompt so check back in next week to see my fave posts--maybe it'll be yours!

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