Weekly Wishes #2

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Monday, June 17, 2013
The Nectar Collective

Hey all.Once again, I'm linking up with The Nectar Collective for Weekly Wishes. The Weekly Wishes is where we all can share our posts about goals, challenges, and wishes for the week! Last week, my goal was to read for an hour every day! Some days I was great! Some days...not so much.

Monday: Day 1: In the morning, I read about thirty minutes and finished my AP European History book, The Politically Incorrect Guide to Western Civilization. Woo hoo! So happy to be done... In the afternoon, I had a long wait at Costco while my tires were being rotated and I read about a 75 minutes of Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris. One hour and 45 minutes.

Tuesday: Big day! Between the boy's softball game & making cheesecake all day, I forgot to read. When I got in bed I read Catching Fire before falling asleep. One hour.

Wednesday: Finished Catching Fire! It's a reread so I got through it quickly. One hour and thirty minutes.

Thursday: My last day in Charlotte so I was busy! I started a new dystopian book called Wool early in the morning and read some before going out to lunch with a friend and dinner with the boy. Thirty minutes.

Friday: In the car on the way to Michigan! Read Me Talk Pretty One Day. Two hours.

Saturday:  Finished Me Talk Pretty One Day! Thirty minutes.

Sunday: none.

So I didn't do so hot there at the end on Thursday, Saturday and Sunday, but I felt good about the time I spent reading this week. It felt really good to spend my vacation intentionally, reading instead of noodling around on the internet all the time. I highly recommend setting a reading goal, even if it's only half an hour a week.

Now, for this week's wish:

In the summer, I am soo bad about this. If I don't have something specific to get up for, I'll get up around 8 or 9 and not be productive for awhile. This week, I plan to get up at 8:30 and run (if it's a running day) and condition (if it's a conditioning day) and work on something right off the bat, even if it's something simple like reading or blogging. We'll see how I do!

Now head on over to The Nectar Collective and join the Weekly Wish link up.
7 comments on "Weekly Wishes #2"
  1. Wow, you read a lot! I think your long days make up for the short ones. :) Also, Me Talk Pretty One Day is one of my favorite books and I read it in high school, too. :) I like this week's goal of setting a morning routine. Routines are so important for our lives and when I fall out of my routine, I feel so much lazier. I hope yours goes well this week! Thanks for linking up again, it's nice to have you! :)

  2. I promise I have a life haha! I had about three weeks off from school before I start work so I've been reading like crazy to make up for my year of hardly reading. And I really liked Me Talk Pretty One Day, too, even if it was a bit slow at parts. I hope to read Let's Explore Diabetes with Owls soon! Thanks for visiting & hosting the link up! xx


  3. […] you from actually getting stuff done? Here are 16 ways to get motivated. You can also check out my Weekly Wishes and see what kind of stuff I’m trying to get done. My favorite way is #11: Start small. […]

  4. Fantastic idea. I also try and read for at least 30 mins a day. Not been so hot at it recently, but every break I get in work I spend my 15 mins reading.
    I need to take a leaf out of your book and get up early and start a morning routine. I've recently lost a bit of weight by cutting my portions, but I think its time to get some exercise in there. I spent all morning trying on old dresses that I couldn't fit into a month ago so I'm all amped up to really get fit!

  5. Oh that's so exciting, congrats on your big of weight loss! That feels so great, doesn't it? I'm working on training for a half marathon! If you don't walk or run regularly, the couch to 5k program is SO good! Good luck!


  6. Dreary Day

    It absolutely was a dreary day below now, so I just took to messing approximately online and identified


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