Weekly Wishes #4

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Sunday, June 30, 2013
The Nectar Collective

Hello friends. Once again, It's time to link up with The Nectar Collective for Weekly Wishes. The Weekly Wishes is where we all can share our posts about goals, challenges, and wishes for the week!

Last week, my goal was to drink water often and journal everyday. How did I do? Pretty well! I didn't drink a ton more water than usual, but I was more conscious of bringing a water bottle to work and keeping it near me. I also journaled just about everyday, which was weird for me! Some people say journaling helps them clear their minds but it's just not for me :)

Anyways! Now, for this week's wish:

In short, TED Talks are short lectures (5-30 minutes, generally) on anything that's an "idea worth spreading". I love watching TED Talks, but just don't get around to watching them often for whatever reason. This week, I plan on watching at least ONE every single day. I'll share my favorites at the end of the week! If you're slightly geeky or just like learning new stuff, start watching TED Talks! I promise, it's so worth it! They have videos on everything from plankton to street signs to religion. 

(Here's a great/short TED Talk to get you started: Gary Lauder's new traffic sign: Take Turns).

Now head on over to The Nectar Collective and join the Weekly Wish link up.

How did your weekly wish go? Have you ever watched a TED Talk?
13 comments on "Weekly Wishes #4"
  1. You have just given me a great alternative to the housework today, so thanks! Looking forward to your top picks next week.

    Well done on last weeks goals too. I've tried journalling so many times and failed miserably. Think blogging is the only way its going to work for me :)

  2. Thank you! I really don't like journaling...I kept telling myself it would clear my mind and stuff like that. Nope, I was just bored. But hey, I tried it! :) Thanks for stopping by.

  3. I've tried journaling too. It did not last. So now I just journal every couple of months if something realy profound happened in my life.
    But when it comes to TED talks... My husband is a big TED fan and watches as many as he can. The advantage for me is that he then filters out all the realy good ones for me to watch. One of my favouorites is the one about how they made the horses for Warhorse (the stage production). Take a look, it is amazing!

  4. I haven't watched a TED talk in forever, but I might have to swing by and take a look after reading your goal because you are right about them being worthwhile. Good luck with this week's goal and I can't wait to see what you watched by the end of the week. :)

  5. I always wanted to journal more also. My sister is a writer, so I get so jealous at her ability to fill up journal after journal with pretty words. Alas, it is not for me either, so I am with you!

  6. Haha I'm glad there's someone else who just doesn't connect with journaling. And as for the talks--I sure will, thank you for the recommendation!!

  7. Thank you! This is one of my favorite goals so far and I've already watched some interesting ones! I can't wait to show you my favorites.

  8. Yes, journal-haters unite!! I was just straight up miserable...I was like...I have nothing to say as soon as I look at the empty page.

  9. Way to go on reaching your goals from last week! And I really like your goal for this one... yes, I always enjoy TED talks whenever I watch them, but it's not nearly enough! I'm sure you'll learn lots and I look forward to seeing your list of faves at the end of the week! :)

  10. Thank you for your encouragement! I've found the best way to find time is on the app. You can choose what kind of video you'd like to watch (fascinating, funny, informative) and a length of time. I often just put on five minutes here and there and I've found some really great ones!

  11. […] Weekly Wishes is where we all can share our posts about goals, challenges, and wishes for the week! Last week, my goal was to watch a TEDTalk every night! Some nights I watched a couple talks but other nights […]

  12. […] those of you who have been following along the blog and have seen my goal in the last Weekly Wishes post, you know I watched lots of TED Talks this week. In short, TED […]

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