Weekly Wishes #11: cacti + baby steps + design

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Monday, August 19, 2013
weekly wishes

Hey all. It's Monday, you know what that means! Today, I'm linking up with The Nectar Collective for Weekly Wishes. The Weekly Wishes is where we all can share our posts about goals, challenges, and wishes for the week! Is this the prettiest picture ever or what? I love bright things.

Last week, I wished for a few things and was pretty successful! I worked pretty hard to get my body on a good sleep schedule. My lights weren't always out by 10:30 but I slowly but surely moved from falling asleep at 3 am to 11:30 pm. Baby steps. I also did lots of cleaning and unpacked everything from the summer! Yayz! I also sort of randomly got a futon from my sister so I cleaned a lot to make room for that. I scheduled out this whole week to help me get through the craziness but still have time for this little lovely munchkin of a blog. I've got some exciting posts coming up--especially a guest post from Stacey over at Grace Believer.

This week, I did a lot of design work which was really exciting for me! Most recently, I did a big design for Caitlyn at ChemGradBoom. It was really fun for me to make a really cute, but chemistry-themed design--check it out! I'm really loving that I can do something that satisfies me while making a little money! If you're in the market for some new digs for your blog, noodle on over to my design page.

But despite all that fun, school starts tomorrow. Cue the conflicting emotions. I'm excited to see friends and learn stuff and all but I'm not excited to get up early and die slowly under the mountain of work.

But anyways, here are my wishes:

  • Not die. This should be easy, but I'm seriously skeptical. 

  • Exercise! Now that I'm home and settled in, it's time to start working out again. Anyone have any great home workouts they like to do?

  • Contact teachers about recommending me as a tutor. Simple enough. I'm a tutor who needs a job, they need tutors.

Now head on over to The Nectar Collective and join the Weekly Wish link up.

What are you wishing for this week? Any recommended workouts for me this week? I'm thinking Blogilates maybe...

21 comments on "Weekly Wishes #11: cacti + baby steps + design"
  1. Hi! I found you via WW link-up!
    I LOVE that picture!
    I need to work on a sleep schedule, too. I slept like 11 hours last night and it was fantastic but definitely not realistic. I need to find a way to get more than 4, though, which is the norm.
    I am getting ready to start C25K today. It's not exactly a "home" workout, though. I really, really like Rockin Body by Shaun T, and if you like to dance, this might be fun for you.
    Love your blog :)

  2. Allie, those cacti are BEAUTIFUL! what a wonderful photograph. Good luck on your goals. Especially the not dying one, please :)

  3. Loving your photo for this week's wishes! Talk about a pop of color :) I'm loving th enew look of the blog, and I can't wait to see more of your design work!

    Good luck with your wishes for the week. I recommend making a resume/handout just for your tutoring to give to professors! They may be willing to just pass them out their students! If I come across anymore workouts, I will be sure to send them your way!!

  4. I am LOVING that photo! It is so bright and cheery :) I just got the Xtend Barre workout DVD that I am kind of addicted to. Good luck getting back into the swing of things at school!

  5. Good luck with the whole not dying thing. I've got a good feeling about that one.

  6. I love the photo! I so want cactus for my windowsill! Good luck with your wihes!! I hope the teachers are able to get you lots of tutoring positions!!

  7. Ah, I love the cacti photo! I'm actually working on making a colorful cacti succulent (I'm from AZ so it'd be a fitting addition to my space!) and posting a DIY for it- eventually, right? :) good luck with everything on your list this week- I'm trying to get back on track with exercising too. Have you tried Bikram Yoga? Think I might schedule a class sometime soon!

  8. Oh my goodness--four hours of sleep?! I'm not even fully functioning with less than 7! And yeah, I've done C25K, I'm actually training for a half marathon! I just like to switch things up in between running days. But I'll definitely check that out--this girl loves to dance (in private that is, gotta have some dignity). And thank you! I love new readers and sweet comments :) Heading to check out your bloggy blog now!

  9. Ahh thanks! I'll try my darn hardest not to die! And aren't they?! I love that picture so much :)

  10. Thank you! I'll be putting my portfolio soon and you can see it! And that's a good idea about the tutoring! I actually tutor my headmaster's son, so I got that all lined up today. I tutored under one math teacher last year so I just have to remind her that I need some students. Thanks for your kind words and good luck with your wishes!

  11. Oh I'll have to check that one out! Thanks for sharing it and for the good luck! :)

  12. Haha set the bar low, right? Knock on wood ;)

  13. I know you're from AZ silly--I read your blog like religiously! And I can't wait to see your diy!! And I haven't tried bikram. I don't really have money for a gym membership right now as I don't have a job (hence goal number 3), but that's definitely something I'd like to try! I used to go to kickboxing all the time but I can't without a membership now :(

  14. Thank you! I actually got one today :)

  15. I knowww I think it's so pretty. Thanks for your kind words! Have a great week!

  16. Have fun at school!! Will this be your senior year of HS? Or am I completely off? haha

  17. Yes it is! I'm just a baby blogger :)

  18. Where have you been all my life?
    You crack me up.
    Adding "stay alive" to your list was the highlight of my weekly wishes, week.
    Did that make any sense at all?

    I rarely do.
    Anyway, glad to have found you, and a few laughs.

  19. Ha! Your comment about how I crack you up cracked me up. I'm glad I could make you smile. And I'm glad to have found you! :)

  20. The design you did for Caitlyn is so adorable! Don't worry, you will survive the week through. Easy peasy. Heh. Good luck!

  21. Thanks! I had a lot of fun with it. And I'm still going strong(ish)!


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