Weekly Wishes #9

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Monday, August 05, 2013

Hey all. Today, I'm linking up with The Nectar Collective for Weekly Wishes. The Weekly Wishes is where we all can share our posts about goals, challenges, and wishes for the week! Last week, I had quite a few goals! Here's how I did.

  • Get through my Bloglovin' feed? Ah no. But I did make significant progress! I'm just barely under two hundred!

  • Get a new sponsor?? Nope, not this week. I do have a super awesome guest post coming up from Crystal at The Happy Type and I'm so excited to share! If you ever want to guest post/sponsor CMS, check out the sponsor page.

  • Brainstorm topics for the first week of school posts? Yessirree sure did! Get excited!

  • Make progress on school reading and college apps? Yep! I started my apps and am just waiting to hear back from my counselor before I finish!

I'm finding that my goals are just too vague so it's hard to really make progress. So I'm making a goal to make my goals more concrete (yes, my goals involve goal-making).

Now, for this week's wishes:

  • Keep on truckin' through my Bloglovin' feed! I'd like in <100 ideally. Work on it a little bit everyday!

  • Try to comment more on blogs! Make at least one thoughtful comment everyday--more is great!

  • Plan two posts and write out one for the first week of school.

  • Go home!! By this time next week, I'll be home in Charlotte! I get to see the boy eeeeeeeeee.

Now head on over to The Nectar Collective and join the Weekly Wish link up.

What were your wishes this week? If you have a blog, tweet me, or comment to motivate me and help me reach my wishes!
10 comments on "Weekly Wishes #9"
  1. I feel like keeping up with blog feeds is like one of those games I'm always going to lose... maybe it's because I keep finding fun new blogs! Anyway, way to make progress on that and just progress in general. And college app time? OH MY GOSH, so exciting! I went full out geek mode and made a huge geeky chart with all of the components I wanted in a college after narrowing them down by majors I was interested in. Hahaha. I spent a lot of time at the library, what can I say? Good luck with your wishes this week!

  2. Oh wow! Well done on getting a bite out of your bloglovin' feed. I also tried last week, and is also still >100, but I am getting there.
    Enjoy the brainstorming and new posts!

  3. Looking forward to Cyrstal's guest post and will keep a look out for it! I also need to comment more on blogs and get involved, but I'm finding the blogging balance hard to keep a hold of. I love reading all the blogs in my feedly, but I dont comment enough - bad Claire!!
    I hope you have an awesome time at home and have loads of fun!! And best of luck with your blog posts, I look forward to reading them :)

  4. Woop woopp!! These are so great (and totally doable) goals! You can do this!

    I hate letting my BlogLovin' feed get out of hand, but it happens. Having the app on my phone is great because I can check blogs on the go. I need to get on my post writing & scheduling game too, school will be back before ya know it!

    I usually pick an early morning, grab coffee, and dedicate 45 minutes just to responding to comments and commenting on other blogs! Getting in one comment a day is a great goal!!

    Good luck with your weekly wishes and have an amazing week!

  5. 100 unread? How do you do it?! I get so overwhelmed when it's more than 40 unread I immediately get a panic attack and must.read.everything.

  6. Thank you so much!! And no worries, I have an excel spreadsheet with all the deadlines and application parts! Ermagerd sprerdsherts!!!

  7. I knowww, isn't it tough?? You can do it!!!

  8. Haha oh Claire, I'm happy to have readers, comments are above and beyond! And Crystal's post is a good one, I can't wait to share it tomorrow! :)

  9. I have the app too but I don't like it because it's so tricky to comment on...and I just always have something to say!! Have a great week!

  10. Hahah I'm way too chill for that!! And I kind of just forget about it and then I'm like WAIT, I forgot I had this handy tool! And then I go back and I'm at like 500,000 bajillion and I die a little inside.


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