August in Favorites.

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Wednesday, September 04, 2013
favorite writes

This month I feel like I wrote a lot, and I've been loving that. But I also did a lot in my real life too! I had a Great Gatsby themed dinner party to celebrate the end of summer. I switched my blog over to self-hosted, which was both excruciating and so great! In the process, I learned how to refrain from verbally stabbing customer service reps. I started a new series about loving your brain and intelligence. I helped some of you lovely bloggers improve your blogs in super simple ways, in less than five minutes (for realz)! I co-hosted the Book Chat with The Tangerine and we talked about required reading books that we've loved and hated. And lots more! What was your favorite post that you wrote in August?

favorite blog reads

Because we all know bloggers love blogging and reading about blogging, Kenzie from Chasing Happy wrote a To Don't List for bloggers on social media. Jasmine wrote a post with cute pictures overload called Six Reasons My Dog is High-Maintenance. M'lady Kayte got engaged!! Woohoo!!

favorite book reads

I'll be honest, school started. Not much book readin' going on in these parts other than school reading. I did read Pride and Prejudice for school (again) and loved it (again). But that's it. Instead, let me share with you what's on my list to be read as soon as I get a spare minute!

Silent Spring by Rachel Carson
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
The Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls

Have you read any of these? What did you think?

favorite music listens

Ophelia // The Band
North Side Gal // J.D. McPherson
Uptown Girl // Billy Joel
Sugar, Sugar // The Archies
You Can Call Me Al // Paul Simon
Movin' Out (Anthony's Song) // Billy Joel
Walk of Life // Dire Straits

cms fave playlist

Now tell me your favorites this month! What did you blog? What did you read? What music have you been listening to? Share share share!
9 comments on "August in Favorites."
  1. Kite Runner is awesome! I think that his second novel, Ten Thousand Splendid Suns, is even better. Have you read that one?

  2. No I haven't! I'll add it to the list.

  3. Great list! I'd love to read Kite Runner. I read The Glass Castle and it was amazing. Definitely a book worth reading!

  4. the kite runner really is such a great book! so is 1000 splendid suns

  5. I love the way you write, Allie! It's a guarantee to be entertained or get a little smile out of reading your posts :)
    I'll have to agree that 'Sugar Sugar' by the Archies is a great song and always puts me in a good mood when I hear it. I've been listening to Vampire Weekend's latest album. That gives me all kinds of good feelings.
    Steph x

  6. Okay, two votes for splendid suns--adding it to the list!

  7. I just started Kite Runner and I'm already loving it! And good--I can't wait to read Glass Castle! Let me know if you have any other recs!

  8. Aww thanks Steph!! That makes me so happy! Sugar Sugar is definitely the song I blast in the car and other people my age judge me haha! And I'll go look up the VW album--thanks for the recommendation. Let me know if you have any others!! :)

  9. Aww that's great! You could link that up with Grad-itude at! That's a great linkup. And thanks for the recs. I'm not a John Grisham fan but I'll check out Paris!


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