Weekly Wishes #14: positivity + giraffes + sisters

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Monday, September 09, 2013
giraffe weekly wishes

Today, I’m linking up with The Nectar Collective for Weekly Wishes.  The Weekly Wishes is where we all can share our posts about goals, challenges, and wishes for the week! 

Last week, I wished to work on exercising more and make good progress on my big project with Aukele. Kele and I hit a setback on our project but we're still trucking and I'm so excited to share it with you all very soon! Get excited!! However...exercising...I have had the weirdest/most annoying bout of the flu since Monday night (still have it!) and that kind of puts exercise in its place. But I'm putting it back on the list again for this week!

I'm buried under makeup work but I've got a new week ahead of me! Here are my weekly wishes for this coming week:

Exercise! Just...yes. This needs to happen.

Do my makeup work, promptly. I’ve got soo much makeup work to do because I missed all of my classes last week. I really need to carve out time to get back on track!

Schedule blog posts for next week! Exciting thing--I'm going to the mountains next Sunday through Wednesday. But don't worry, I totally will have fun things ready for you! Side note, if you're interested in guest posting, shoot me an email or tweet at me!

Choose positivity. Whoa Allie, four goals?! You're crazy. Anyways, this is a new one for me. I'm a bit of a pessimist to be honest, but I just want to take time in the midst of the stress this week to be happy. Any tips?!


One way to choose positivity--linking up with Erika for Grad-itude again! Grad-itude is a link up about being grateful! I loved looking through everyone else’s happy thoughts last week so I’m in it again. Here are three things I’m grateful for right now.

My health. I'm still under the weather right now but it first off makes me thankful that I'm not sick all the time! Like, I never appreciate being able to keep food down or breathe through my nose until I can't anymore. Secondly, my flu is so not a big deal compared to how sick some others are. I got a good life.

My sister! This weekend I visited my sister at school and we hung out all weekend. My sister and I are polar opposites, but I'm appreciating that more as an okay thing the older we get. Love my sis!

Good music. So in the middle of all my crazy makeup work and travels and busyness, I listened to some really great music this weekend. I had my Pandora set between Jim Croce, Avett Bros and Barcelona and it was just awesome. No thumbs down over here!

Now head on over to The Nectar Collective & Chimerikal and join the link-ups.

What do you wish for this week? What are you grateful for?
16 comments on "Weekly Wishes #14: positivity + giraffes + sisters"
  1. Hope you're feeling better!

    I love your goals for this week. Can't wait to see what you and Aukele have up your sleeves ;)
    Have fun on your trip and good luck with this week's goals! :)

  2. Aww, get better soon darling!

    Stress is totally a breeding ground for negative thoughts. But whenever you felt overhelmed and discouraged, flip your pillow to the cool side and think about the silver lining. If you believe that there is always a silver lining or gold at the end of the rainbow then its tough to stay down and our for long.

    I'm sprinkling positive pixie dust on your goals chica!

    KLP @soshair:disqus

  3. Vaida TamoÅ¡auskaitÄ—September 9, 2013 at 6:25 AM

    well done you!!! :)
    and I'm loving the photo - so funny! so cool! :)
    good luck for this week!

  4. Good for you, Allie! I know how stressful getting make-up work done can be so you just do you and we'll all be here waiting for your come-back!! I'm also excited to see your posts for when you're in the mountains (and the pictures OF your mini getaway)! I'm going out of town Friday-Tuesday so I better get crackalackin' on school/blogwork myself! Good luck!

  5. Oh no! I hope you feel better soon, and I know that make-up work is no fun at all. I actually LOVE scheduling posts haha it just makes me feel so accomplished. Choosing to be positive is a great goal and is something I should probably try to do too in some circumstances! I think I am positive in some areas, and not so positive in others. I should work on that as well!

    xoxo Jess
    Foreign Room

  6. Positivity is always a great goal. It also helps with getting makeup work done and.. well, really I find positivity makes me more productive in almost everything I have going on in my life. It gives so much extra-strength. Good luck with your other wishes as well :)

    Ps. I hope you feel better soon!

  7. Nothing like a cute giraffe to get you smiling! :) Thanks for your sweet words!

  8. "Flip the pillow to the cool side"--I like that! Thanks for your nice words.

  9. Oh I love scheduling posts too but it just doesn't happen--I am not a planner! Good luck on your goals! :)

  10. I'll try to take a few pictures but I'm so bad about that! Good luck on getting your work done!

  11. You're dead on! I think I'll get more done if I keep a good attitude too :)

  12. Positivity! A word that makes me smile.
    Glad to hear you are feeling better and can now get your exercise. Still can't wait for that project!!

    Have a great week and good luck!

  13. It's going to be launched September 24! Eeee I'm so excited!


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