Affirmation #1

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Monday, March 16, 2015
Here's a new idea for a series that I had, revolving around mantras and positive affirmations and some short thoughts on them. I'm experimenting with some new content for blog posts...let me know what you think!


I am already successful and I will continue to be.

This week, I've been preparing for a big exam in chemistry, a class that doesn't come very naturally to me. I've been working hard and doing well but after a lower grade on a quiz, my confidence in my chemistry skills was shattered. I was convinced that I would never get the grade I needed on this exam and that I should just give up. 

But for some reason, I was able to convince myself that positivity was a better approach. I took a short break from studying and meditated for not even fifteen minutes, using this affirmation, repeating it to myself. (P.S. Meditation tip: I love this background music.) 

Afterwards, I reminded myself that I had succeeded in the class early on and that my hard work and determination when I wasn't confident in myself were success enough and will continue to bring me more success. It might be in the form of an might be in the form of knowledge that I tried my hardest.

Do you ever meditate or use affirmations? How do you remind yourself of your successes?

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