It's Not Bad to Be Busy

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Thursday, March 19, 2015

I feel like it's become very trendy for bloggers or writers to write on and on about how we need to stop glorifying "busy" and how we would enjoy our lives if we weren't constantly doing so much. But you know what? I think that's crap. So now I'm going to rant about it. 

I'm convinced that it's not "busy" that is at fault for dissatisfaction and empty living; it's screwed up priorities. In a typical day, I go to class, I exercise, I go to church or spend time reading my Bible. I meet up with friends. I study. I go to club meetings or sports events. I go to work. I blog. I'm busy, that's for sure. But that doesn't keep me from doing what I want to do with my life. I always have time to do what I really want to do and you do too. 

Of course, sometimes I have to do things that I don't feel like doing and those things take up my time. We all have to work in some form of another and we're not all lucky enough to have jobs that we love. But in that case, wouldn't adding something extra to our plates be a good thing, if it is something we enjoy? I could just do the bare minimum--study, go to class, go to work. I wouldn't be busy, but I know I wouldn't be as happy.

So what's really wrong with being busy? A lot of times, I'm not home between when I leave for my first class around 7:30 and when I come back at night. And that's for someone who is always within a couple blocks of where they live! Maybe I have a different perspective as a college student, not someone who's working full-time. But I can't help but thinking that the same principle should apply all-around. If you're busy and you're unhappy, you're busy with the wrong things. 

It doesn't make sense to me why people try to convince busy people that they need to stop being busy in order to be happy, when they very well might already be!

Instead of glorifying busyness, let's start praising when people have built happy lives, in their own way. 

What do you think? Don't forget to take my one question survey, please and thank you! 

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