A Verse for an Inspired Fall

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Friday, August 28, 2015

I've been reading a lot on the Brave Love Blog about preparing for an inspired season in our life. Really, if you look back on your life, every season is special for some reason--whether it was an especially happy season or maybe a difficult season to get through. 

Since we're about to start a new season (FALL!! Even though it doesn't technically start for a month.) I wanted to choose a Bible verse to sort of sit with me all through the season. I want to meditate on this verse and use it to guide me through the things that I do all through this season of my life.

I thought about this for a long time and meditated on a lot of different verses and a lot of different ideas and this is the verse I came up with:

"I call to you as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I." [Psalm 61:2]

I've felt lost a lot of times in the last year. I've felt unwanted. I've felt hopeless. I've felt dead inside. My heart has been faint more times than I can even count. It's not a fun place to be in. 

But even through that, as believers, we have a rock to stand on, something to hold us steady. That rock is the perfectly orchestrated plan of God for our lives. 

And in this verse, there's a surrender that I think I need to grasp in this season of life. When my heart grows faint, it's not time for me to work hard or grit my teeth and grind through it. It's time to follow God back to that place of steadiness where he's prepared to hold me together. I know I need that.

I already know that this verse will be on my mind and my heart a lot this fall + I want to live accordingly. If you have a verse that's been sticking with you lately, please share it with me in the comments! I love your comments. And if you're not a believer, that's okay, you're welcome to share any sort of guiding idea or philosophy that's guiding you right now. 

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