Goal Getters / August Check In

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Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Hiiii friends. Wow, life is crazy these days! I'm writing this post on Sunday night (#justbeinhonest) because I know I have one of the busiest weeks EVER coming up. Tomorrow, I'll be packing up the car and driving down to Florida. And on Tuesday, I'll move into a new apartment AND start sorority recruitment. Craaaazyyy. 

I might die.  

I'm totally terrified of this week, but also really, really excited. I have really high hopes for this year. 

Anyways, let's talk about goals! I've finished up the first half of my month (in Michigan/NC) and I'm ready to start the next half (or at least as ready as I'll ever be!). Here's how my goals have been going...

+ Try to spend ten minutes every day in the Bible. I've been doing well with this! H and I have been doing a study in the She Reads Truth app about hymns, because we both love traditional hymns and all the history and good theology in them. I also started a Bible in 365 Days program that I do most days. So this one is a big beautiful check!

+ Keep my bloglovin' feed below 100 (check!) and comment on blogs (not so check...). But I'm definitely going to make an effort on commenting starting, like, right now.

+ Keep posting at least three times a week and get a few posts scheduled ahead of time. Well the fact that I'm writing this (Wednesday) post on Sunday makes me feel good! I hope to get a little further ahead to give me some wiggle room, but you know, I'm doing just fine.

And for the second half of the month, I'll be working on some recipes, being super outgoing, and the witchcraft that is biphasic sleep. Read more on the last edition of Goal Getters!

How are your goals for the month going??

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