Curated / 20

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Sunday, September 20, 2015

This week has been insaaaaanely busy! Like busier than I've had in a long while. I've had a lot going on with my sorority--we're required to be at every single event during our pledge period which (including meetings) is usually like 6+ events a week. It's definitely been a lot for me to handle, so thanks for sticking with me while I figure stuff out!

But even with all the crazy (which I maybe could do without), I really have felt myself growing in a lot of ways over the last month or so. I've especially been comparing how I act and treat other people and myself to the way I did the same time last year. I know I've become much more self-aware and in tune with my emotions and how they affect the way I act. I've become much more confident and hard-working. Of course, there's always more to go, but these last few weeks have really embodied that quote on my sidebar: "We are happy when we are growing."

I'm not a huge poetry person, but there are a few poems that I read throughout high school that have really stuck with me to the point that I know parts by heart. One such section has been playing on repeat through my head over the last few days as I've really been struggling to forgive myself for mistakes that I've made. Here it is, an excerpt from "Wild Geese" by Mary Oliver:

You do not have to be good.
You do not have to walk on your knees
for a hundred miles through the desert repenting.
You only have to let the soft animal of your body
love what it loves.

Does that resonate with anyone else? I know that hits me right in the heart right now. The rest of the poem is really beautiful too--go read it!

How has your week been? Do you read poetry? Wanna share some 80s music with me? 

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