How to Make Your Twitter Feed a Source of Positivity

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Friday, September 04, 2015

Over the last year or two, I've really wanted to pare down on my social media usage. For myself personally, I really only use Facebook and Pinterest--and even with Facebook, I don't enjoy using it, I just feel like I can't get rid of it since it's used so much in college for group pages and events.

But for this blog, especially over the last six months, I've really really used social media sparingly. I shut down the facebook for this blog, because I hated it. I stopped scheduling tweets, because I hated it (do we see a pattern here?). And I even stopped reading twitter very often because I was just tired of reading the same old "click my link here!" and sassy complaints and political rants. 

But I'm trying to remind myself that it doesn't have to be that way. If I don't like my twitter feed, I can change it. Crazy idea, right? So today, I wanted to share a few ways that I'm doing that in case any of you want to join me in my journey to make social media a little more human and a little more happy. 

#1 Set an example in your own tweets.

Take a moment and think about the kinds of words you would like to see on Twitter. Kind, honest, genuine words. Self-promotion that (when necessary) feels real, not rehearsed and scheduled. Now, take a moment and reconsider how you tweet. Do you complain on twitter when something goes wrong in your life? (I do.) Do you rant when something isn't working? (Guilty.) By staying kind and positive towards other people on social media, we're teaching people how we should be treated as well.

#2 Unfollow any account that makes you feel any less than stellar. 

Do I need to elaborate on this? If someone is constantly complaining, putting other people down, bashing other people/opinions/views/personalities/etc, UNFOLLOW THEM. Their attitude is not worth listening to. 

#3 Follow accounts that add to a positive mindset.

On the flip side of number two, consciously seek out the accounts and the people that lift you up and help you keep an optimistic attitude. There are tons of "posi" accounts that are super cheesy, but never fail to make me smile! Also consider: your favorite comedian.

A few exerpts from my favorite positive Twitter acounts:






Any others to add? How do you make your Twitter feed more positive?

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