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Instagram Inspiration 01.

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Thursday, February 26, 2015
For the longest time, I've always considered Pinterest my #1 place online to find visual inspiration. I use tumblr a little bit here and there but it's really mostly been Pinterest. Lately (seriously--I'm really late on this one), I've been using Instagram as another place to find visual inspiration from photographers, stylists, and other artsy people. 

Today, I just thought I'd share a few of my favorite accounts. If you'd like, you can follow me too (@callmessafras)!

(@californiadonuts--yes, donuts inspire me)


What are your favorite instagram accounts?! Leave your username too so I can check you out!

Color Palette / Cotton Candy

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Monday, February 23, 2015
So this is an idea that I'm testing out as a new post idea--let me know what you think! I plan on this being an addition to current posts, not a replacement. I'll still have two (other) posts a week plus the curated on Friday, but I thought I could add this in once a week or so just to add a little variety. What do you think?

I use color palettes like this all the time, especially in my design work. When you find a picture that gives you the same feels you want out of a new website or piece of design, using the same colors gets you halfway there. Plus, aren't these colors just gorgeous to look at?

How do you like this new post idea? Yay/nay? How do you use color palettes?

Curated Weekly / 14

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Friday, February 20, 2015

It's been a really nice (though holy cow, it has been busy) week in my world. I'm trying to think of what I did last weekend and the beginning of this week and I can't quite remember! It feels like forever ago. I was in the lab quite a bit this week and have officially started volunteering at the natural history museum. That's fun!

For Valentine's Day, H and I tried to FaceTime and watch Netflix at the same time and we finally figured it out but it took some creativity. Even though it was a lot of effort figuring out headphones and what's on the phone and the computer, it was nice to have a "date" together, or as close as we can get. I'll visit him in North Carolina in two weeks and that's going to be wonderful!

And in case you missed them...

I'm ridiculously inspired by all the fun graphic prints on these socks from Woven Pear.

Aren't they just the cutest things in the world?

Last week, my goals were to get lots of sleep and get ahead on things in preparation for my church trip this weekend. I'd say I did pretty well! I went to bed maybe 30 minutes early every night, but even that makes a big difference! It feels so good to wake up before your alarm naturally. I'd didn't get quite as on top of things as I would have liked but I'm feeling pretty fine about things.

This coming week, my goals are really concrete--I need to get all caught up on my chemistry notes/work and review all my genetics notes for the year. I'm trying to be better about reviewing frequently so that I'm not just stuck with all the work right before exams. 

Otherwise, not much! I just need to get life in order before I head home for spring break next week! :)

What do you have on tap this week? Also! If any of you are bloggers/artists/creatives/bizwomen and interested in interviewing with me for an upcoming edition of How They Do It, just let me know!

My Favorite Blogs and Websites

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Thursday, February 19, 2015
Recently, I read a post from Gina Alyse (two posts actually, Part One and Part Two) about her favorite people, blogs, websites and youtube channels around the internet. You may have noticed that I have a page on my blog with all the blogs I read on a regular basis...but that list hasn't been updated in months. 

So I'm in the process of updating this list + I thought I'd share it with y'all in a little more public way as I do! But this is also a reminder that I always have the blogroll up at the top + I'll try my best to keep it updated! Most of these blogs are related to design, productivity, blogging or positive living but a couple of them are a little random.

And please--I love finding new blogs. Share your favorites with me or if you're a silent reader, leave a comment so I can visit yours!

Pen and Peplum

What are your favorite blogs?! Share em!

How and Why I'm Taking a Netflix Fast

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Tuesday, February 17, 2015

In my February Goals post, a couple of you noticed and commented on my goal to take a 3-day TV fast + I thought I'd post a little bit about the thoughts that led up to this and how I plan to do it. 

I've never watched a lot of TV or movies. My parents are pretty conservative so I tended to opt out of movie nights or going to the movie theater. I maybe watched an hour of TV every few weeks growing up, if that. But a few years ago....Netflix happened. I'm sure y'all understand--it's a totally different story when you can pick a show and watch it (and as many following episodes as you want) without having to worry about TV schedules or anything like that. 

I really like TV these days. More or less, I think it's harmless. I try not to watch anything too explicit or gory and started watching an episode or two before bed and then another over lunch and then another in the afternoon when I got bored of working and all of a sudden I realized I was easily watching two or three hours of TV a day, or more.

My goal with this is just to "reset" my TV watching habits a little bit. Here's my plan:

  1. The fast will go on for three days. This isn't very long, I know, but it's a place to start. 
  2. I will not watch any Netflix during these three days. (I say only Netflix because I don't have a TV.)
  3. Instead of watching Netflix, I will do something productive--schoolwork, cleaning, exercising.
  4. Short videos (like you see on Facebook, under 2-3 minutes or when I'm looking for music for my kickboxing class) are fine.
After the fast, I'll check back in and let you know how it went! Have you ever intentionally taken a fast from any sort of technology? Any tips for me?

Curated Weekly / 13

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Friday, February 13, 2015

Let's just say this week has been SO needed after the mess of a few weeks that I've been having. For awhile, I was in a mental spot where anytime anything went wrong, big or small, I'd start crying and be totally incapacitated for the rest of the day. 

Thankfully, life has eased up on me a bit and I've stabilized a bit from that weird phase and everything feels so much better! It was so lovely to see H and his mom when they visited me last weekend. We spent the weekend lounging around and eating so much good food and visiting my favorite spots around town. It didn't last nearly long enough but it made me so happy to see some familiar faces.

This week has also been much more low-key than the last few! I haven't had any exams or big papers so it's been pretty routine around here, which is the way I like things. I've been working in the lab a lot and working out a lot, but that's about it other than normal classes. One fun thing this week is that I started going to the Boxing Club practices! You may know that I am training to teach fitness classes at our gym and one of those is kickboxing, but actual kickboxing is ridiculously different from the dancey sort of cardio kickboxing we do in group fitness. It was really fun to do one-on-one combat and work on my form, but I am embarrassingly sore.

How has your week been?

In case you missed it...
I've been listening to a whole lot of hymns lately, especially just the general hymns station on Pandora. I especially like to listen to hymns at the end of a long day during a long, hot shower. It usually helps me transition right to bed! If you're also a hymn lover, here's my hymn playlist. Other than that, I've been listening to songs like...

This happy Valentine's themed image from Real Simple Magazine's Instagram.

1. Get ahead on everything. This weekend, my church's college ministry is going on a volunteer retreat to fix up a summer camp. The weekends are really when I recuperate from the week and get everything in order so I'll need to make sure I get everything in order before I leave.

2. Get plenty of sleep! I'm not sure how, but for some reason this week, I've been going to bed later and waking up sleepy and that's not a good feeling when you have early classes. I'm not sure if the answer is to get to sleep earlier or to start taking more naps, but I'm going to start playing around with it. I refuse to drink coffee so I have to pay attention to my sleep schedule to make sure I'm rested enough for my morning classes.

How was your week? What are your goals this week?

Handcrafted Gifts for Ladies You Love

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Thursday, February 12, 2015
In case you're looking for some last minute gift ideas for a mom or friend (or let's be honest, ideas to tell your boyfriend what to get), I've got you covered. Recently, I found an online store called Uncommon Goods that shares unique, handcrafted gifts (I especially love these necklaces!) with the wellbeing of animals and the environment in mind. Uncommon Goods supports a variety of amazing nonprofits like RAINN and Women for Women International. I can get behind that kind of business!

Something I love about Uncommon Goods is that it really has something for every kind of girl. Like just for example, I'm pretty sure I gasped audibly when I saw those his and hers chromosome pillows (bottom right). The design is called a karyotype and it's a way of looking at a person's pillow has an X and a Y chromosome (for a guy) and one has two Xs for the lady. Those are definitely something that you couldn't find anywhere else!

All of these could make fabulous gifts! Seriously, who wouldn't love a book reminding them why they're awesome?! So whether you're shopping for someone a bit geeky like me, or someone who leans more towards homegoods or someone who likes jewelry or art, I guarantee you will be able to find something they'll like at Uncommon Goods!

What would you buy at Uncommon Goods (or like to receive!)?

This post was brought to you in collaboration with Uncommon Goods. Thank you for supporting brands that support Call Me Sassafras!

Celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Week

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Tuesday, February 10, 2015
I'm not always the best at being kind to people, especially strangers, but it's something I really, really believe in working towards. There's a quote that I've always loved: "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle" (generally attributed to Ian Maclaren). I know there have been so many times where I've been having a really tough day or week or month and one person's kindness can pick me up and be a shining bright spot in that day. Sometimes, being that spot of sunshine only takes a minute or two of our time. Why don't we look for more ways to be kind then?

This week, the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation is hosting an entire week dedicated to encouraging simple, selfless kindness. But aside from helping others, being kind is good for you. It's shown that being kind to others reduces the effects of anxiety and depression, enhances overall wellbeing, increases energy and even reduces blood pressure. How cool is that?!

Even better, being kind to others tends to start a sequence of people being thoughtful and respectful to each other. Your single act of kindness seriously starts a chain reaction towards a happier world. Here are 10 ideas from the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation on how you can make a difference this week (and come on guys, every week).

The website has lots more ideas for ways you can be kind to others at home, at work, at school and even on a college campus (yeah!) and ways to be kinder to yourself.

How will you be kinder today--to yourself, to friends, to strangers?!

Curated Weekly / 12

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Friday, February 06, 2015

The last couple weeks have really knocked me off my feet. I've been getting a lot of headaches. I'm totally insecure in my choice of major and with my living situation for next year. My computer broke earlier this week. I spent the majority of yesterday searching campus for my keys/wallet/ID/license/debit card. Probably because of all of these things, I've literally been in the lowest mood ever all week. Major props to H for loving on me and not drop-kicking me for all my whining. 

On the bright side, I got my computer fixed and keys and all back and H and his mom are coming to Florida to visit me for the weekend! I am so excited to see them. I just saw him a month ago, but it has felt like forever. It's tough to deal with rough weeks like this when all your friends are super far away.

I think that's enough about my week haha! How was your week?

In case you missed it...
  1. Ocean / Alice Smith
  2. Bend in the Road / Donavon Frankenreiter
  3. Food Chain / Eric Hutchinson
  4. Only Rain / Brett Dennen
  5. Old Number Seven / The Devil Makes Three
  6. Song for Allie / Danny Carvalho
  7. Steal My Girl / One Direction (I'm sorryyyyy but it's so catchy!)

This lovely snap from Kenzie of Hello Neverland is seriously making me miss snowy weather. It was in the 70s today here! Click the image to visit her instagram.

Last weeks' goals were to get ahead of blogging and work on better coping techniques for dealing with bad days. With my crazy week and my weekend without a computer, I didn't do either of these at all. 

I'm definitely keeping that second goal on for this coming week and the next few. Lately, if anything doesn't go to plan, I absolutely fall apart. I've never been like that and I'm not quite sure why it is, but anything from an exam grade to the weather can totally ruin my day. I don't like that. This week, I'm going to work on being aware of my mood and how I can kind of stabilize it. 

That's all for this week! What are your goals this week? Any interesting blog posts to share?!

How to Spend More Time Reading

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Thursday, February 05, 2015

I've always been a pretty big reader. You know, when I was eight or nine, I was that kid who checked out a stack of books from the library so big that I had to use my chin to help me hold the stack. Yeah. But over the last couple years, and especially over the last semester, somehow I've just...stopped. Like totally. 

I think I went four months without reading for fun at all. That's scary to me. I love to read and I seriously believe that I'm a much more intelligent person for it. So over Christmas break, I was reading quite a bit and decided I wanted to change and make reading a priority.

But I'm busy. We're all so busy. It's easy for things that are optional to fall to the wayside when deadlines and exams and pressures come. When I made my goal for this year of reading twelve books, I wanted to make sure that I made reading convenient and fun, not just another thing to do. 

1. Always be in the middle of a book. For me, there's something oddly intimidating about starting a new book. So whenever I finish a book, I first of all try to have another book ready and then I do my best to start it as soon as possible or even right away. 

2. Always have a list of books to read. I use Goodreads for this, but you can use a notes app or pen and paper if you want. You're a free woman (or man); you can do whatever you want. But I always like having a couple books I'm excited about reading so that period of "Ughh, what do I read now?" doesn't set in. 

3. Always have reading material with you. If you read on a Kindle or Nook, that's easy enough to stick in a purse--so are small novels. Maybe toss a book in the car so you always have it in case you have an unexpected delay somewhere. And I'm not a fan of this next option, but you can also read books through the Kindle or Nook app on your phone (including free samples on every book!), but that just gets a little too small to read for long. 

4. Explore other formats. Think about the way you learn best in school. If you're an audio learner, you might enjoy listening to audio books while you exercise or drive. 

5. Read at the same time everyday. I'm specifically trying to make a habit of reading for 20-30 minutes every night before I go to bed. It's great for calming my brain (unless I'm reading true crime!!) and it helps me to set aside that time specifically for reading.

6. Keep a reading log. Like I said in #2, you can do this in whatever form you choose. I like using Goodreads because I can also save a rating or review along with the book once I'm finished. Then, if anyone ever asks for reading recommendations, I can easily flip through books I've read and rated highly to remind me.

7. Be familiar with your public library. The other day--oh my goodness, I'm so proud of myself--I spent time to look up a couple books I wanted to read, find out which of the seven campus libraries it was at, found the floor and the shelf, figured out how to move them (we have moving bookshelves!) and found my book. I was impressed with myself! Seriously though, libraries aren't usually that complicated, but just knowing the process of how your library works will make you that much more likely to read since you won't have to pay for every book. 

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go read! What are you reading these days? How often do you read?

February Goals

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Tuesday, February 03, 2015
Hi friends! So you may (or may not) have noticed a little bit of radio silence here on the blog last week without the Curated Weekly post on Friday. The story is that on Thursday night, my computer decided to stop charging, meaning that it died and I didn't get a chance to write the post before Friday morning. Even more unfortunately, it'll be at least another few days before the part to fix my laptop gets to me, so until then, I'm writing from my tablet, which is no easy task. This also means there won't be post images or very good formatting for a little while. Sad face.

But before we get too far into February (omg! February!), I wanted to look over last month's goals and set a few for this upcoming month! Yay, goals! We all know how much I enjoy goalsetting.


1. Begin a hand-lettering course. Nope, not at all. But midway through the month, I decided that this just wasn't a priority for me. That's okay! I think I'll look into it again this summer.

2. Read one book start-to-finish. Success! I finished The Murder at the Vicarage by Agatha Christie and I've just started a fascinating book called Bringing Up Bebe by Pamela Druckerman.

3. Visit the Museum of Natural History on campus. Yes! Not only did I visit, but I enjoyed it so much that I signed up to volunteer as an exhibit docent.

4. Write a guest post. I promise I really was going to do this one...but then my computer broke. So that goal is on hold for now.

5. Get a routine down for the week. I've done this about as much as I possible could in a month! I have my classes finalized and most weeks are about the same.


1. Take a 3-day TV fast. I'm not a big movie-watcher, but I love Netflix and television shows. While I generally consider this a fairly harmless vice, it's a little much these days. I want to take at least three days to reset the way I watch TV out of habit.

2. Go to office hours. This was one of my goals for the semester and I haven't gone to a single professor's office hours. I have this weird phobia of office hours and it's ridiculous. At the very least, I need to pay my chemistry professor a visit because I am not chemistry minded and I could use all the help I can get.

3. Form a workout routine. This sounds so silly. I'm working on my certification to teach group fitness classes. Because of that, most of my exercise is in a group format. Oddly enough, I've found that all of a sudden, I'm sort of at a loss when I'm at the gym by myself and I don't quite know what to do with myself. What's up with that?!

That's it for this month! What are your goals for February?

7 Visually Inspiring Pins

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Monday, February 02, 2015
I'm bringing this series back, just because I absolutely love Pinterest and want to share a little more of the inspiration floating around on there. Follow me on Pinterest for more (either by clicking on the link or via my profile in the sidebar).

Stairs that aren't inherently depressing.

Capri, Italy

Color Inspiration Daily: 07. 23. 12

tropical leaves

Color Quads | Logan Ledford Art

San Francisco

Leave your pinterest link so I can check out your pins and follow you!! Which of these pins are your favorite? What's inspiring you these days?