Curated Weekly / 13

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Friday, February 13, 2015

Let's just say this week has been SO needed after the mess of a few weeks that I've been having. For awhile, I was in a mental spot where anytime anything went wrong, big or small, I'd start crying and be totally incapacitated for the rest of the day. 

Thankfully, life has eased up on me a bit and I've stabilized a bit from that weird phase and everything feels so much better! It was so lovely to see H and his mom when they visited me last weekend. We spent the weekend lounging around and eating so much good food and visiting my favorite spots around town. It didn't last nearly long enough but it made me so happy to see some familiar faces.

This week has also been much more low-key than the last few! I haven't had any exams or big papers so it's been pretty routine around here, which is the way I like things. I've been working in the lab a lot and working out a lot, but that's about it other than normal classes. One fun thing this week is that I started going to the Boxing Club practices! You may know that I am training to teach fitness classes at our gym and one of those is kickboxing, but actual kickboxing is ridiculously different from the dancey sort of cardio kickboxing we do in group fitness. It was really fun to do one-on-one combat and work on my form, but I am embarrassingly sore.

How has your week been?

In case you missed it...
I've been listening to a whole lot of hymns lately, especially just the general hymns station on Pandora. I especially like to listen to hymns at the end of a long day during a long, hot shower. It usually helps me transition right to bed! If you're also a hymn lover, here's my hymn playlist. Other than that, I've been listening to songs like...

This happy Valentine's themed image from Real Simple Magazine's Instagram.

1. Get ahead on everything. This weekend, my church's college ministry is going on a volunteer retreat to fix up a summer camp. The weekends are really when I recuperate from the week and get everything in order so I'll need to make sure I get everything in order before I leave.

2. Get plenty of sleep! I'm not sure how, but for some reason this week, I've been going to bed later and waking up sleepy and that's not a good feeling when you have early classes. I'm not sure if the answer is to get to sleep earlier or to start taking more naps, but I'm going to start playing around with it. I refuse to drink coffee so I have to pay attention to my sleep schedule to make sure I'm rested enough for my morning classes.

How was your week? What are your goals this week?

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