February Goals

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Tuesday, February 03, 2015
Hi friends! So you may (or may not) have noticed a little bit of radio silence here on the blog last week without the Curated Weekly post on Friday. The story is that on Thursday night, my computer decided to stop charging, meaning that it died and I didn't get a chance to write the post before Friday morning. Even more unfortunately, it'll be at least another few days before the part to fix my laptop gets to me, so until then, I'm writing from my tablet, which is no easy task. This also means there won't be post images or very good formatting for a little while. Sad face.

But before we get too far into February (omg! February!), I wanted to look over last month's goals and set a few for this upcoming month! Yay, goals! We all know how much I enjoy goalsetting.


1. Begin a hand-lettering course. Nope, not at all. But midway through the month, I decided that this just wasn't a priority for me. That's okay! I think I'll look into it again this summer.

2. Read one book start-to-finish. Success! I finished The Murder at the Vicarage by Agatha Christie and I've just started a fascinating book called Bringing Up Bebe by Pamela Druckerman.

3. Visit the Museum of Natural History on campus. Yes! Not only did I visit, but I enjoyed it so much that I signed up to volunteer as an exhibit docent.

4. Write a guest post. I promise I really was going to do this one...but then my computer broke. So that goal is on hold for now.

5. Get a routine down for the week. I've done this about as much as I possible could in a month! I have my classes finalized and most weeks are about the same.


1. Take a 3-day TV fast. I'm not a big movie-watcher, but I love Netflix and television shows. While I generally consider this a fairly harmless vice, it's a little much these days. I want to take at least three days to reset the way I watch TV out of habit.

2. Go to office hours. This was one of my goals for the semester and I haven't gone to a single professor's office hours. I have this weird phobia of office hours and it's ridiculous. At the very least, I need to pay my chemistry professor a visit because I am not chemistry minded and I could use all the help I can get.

3. Form a workout routine. This sounds so silly. I'm working on my certification to teach group fitness classes. Because of that, most of my exercise is in a group format. Oddly enough, I've found that all of a sudden, I'm sort of at a loss when I'm at the gym by myself and I don't quite know what to do with myself. What's up with that?!

That's it for this month! What are your goals for February?
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