Curated Weekly / 14

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Friday, February 20, 2015

It's been a really nice (though holy cow, it has been busy) week in my world. I'm trying to think of what I did last weekend and the beginning of this week and I can't quite remember! It feels like forever ago. I was in the lab quite a bit this week and have officially started volunteering at the natural history museum. That's fun!

For Valentine's Day, H and I tried to FaceTime and watch Netflix at the same time and we finally figured it out but it took some creativity. Even though it was a lot of effort figuring out headphones and what's on the phone and the computer, it was nice to have a "date" together, or as close as we can get. I'll visit him in North Carolina in two weeks and that's going to be wonderful!

And in case you missed them...

I'm ridiculously inspired by all the fun graphic prints on these socks from Woven Pear.

Aren't they just the cutest things in the world?

Last week, my goals were to get lots of sleep and get ahead on things in preparation for my church trip this weekend. I'd say I did pretty well! I went to bed maybe 30 minutes early every night, but even that makes a big difference! It feels so good to wake up before your alarm naturally. I'd didn't get quite as on top of things as I would have liked but I'm feeling pretty fine about things.

This coming week, my goals are really concrete--I need to get all caught up on my chemistry notes/work and review all my genetics notes for the year. I'm trying to be better about reviewing frequently so that I'm not just stuck with all the work right before exams. 

Otherwise, not much! I just need to get life in order before I head home for spring break next week! :)

What do you have on tap this week? Also! If any of you are bloggers/artists/creatives/bizwomen and interested in interviewing with me for an upcoming edition of How They Do It, just let me know!

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