How and Why I'm Taking a Netflix Fast

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Tuesday, February 17, 2015

In my February Goals post, a couple of you noticed and commented on my goal to take a 3-day TV fast + I thought I'd post a little bit about the thoughts that led up to this and how I plan to do it. 

I've never watched a lot of TV or movies. My parents are pretty conservative so I tended to opt out of movie nights or going to the movie theater. I maybe watched an hour of TV every few weeks growing up, if that. But a few years ago....Netflix happened. I'm sure y'all understand--it's a totally different story when you can pick a show and watch it (and as many following episodes as you want) without having to worry about TV schedules or anything like that. 

I really like TV these days. More or less, I think it's harmless. I try not to watch anything too explicit or gory and started watching an episode or two before bed and then another over lunch and then another in the afternoon when I got bored of working and all of a sudden I realized I was easily watching two or three hours of TV a day, or more.

My goal with this is just to "reset" my TV watching habits a little bit. Here's my plan:

  1. The fast will go on for three days. This isn't very long, I know, but it's a place to start. 
  2. I will not watch any Netflix during these three days. (I say only Netflix because I don't have a TV.)
  3. Instead of watching Netflix, I will do something productive--schoolwork, cleaning, exercising.
  4. Short videos (like you see on Facebook, under 2-3 minutes or when I'm looking for music for my kickboxing class) are fine.
After the fast, I'll check back in and let you know how it went! Have you ever intentionally taken a fast from any sort of technology? Any tips for me?

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