Celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Week

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Tuesday, February 10, 2015
I'm not always the best at being kind to people, especially strangers, but it's something I really, really believe in working towards. There's a quote that I've always loved: "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle" (generally attributed to Ian Maclaren). I know there have been so many times where I've been having a really tough day or week or month and one person's kindness can pick me up and be a shining bright spot in that day. Sometimes, being that spot of sunshine only takes a minute or two of our time. Why don't we look for more ways to be kind then?

This week, the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation is hosting an entire week dedicated to encouraging simple, selfless kindness. But aside from helping others, being kind is good for you. It's shown that being kind to others reduces the effects of anxiety and depression, enhances overall wellbeing, increases energy and even reduces blood pressure. How cool is that?!

Even better, being kind to others tends to start a sequence of people being thoughtful and respectful to each other. Your single act of kindness seriously starts a chain reaction towards a happier world. Here are 10 ideas from the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation on how you can make a difference this week (and come on guys, every week).

The website has lots more ideas for ways you can be kind to others at home, at work, at school and even on a college campus (yeah!) and ways to be kinder to yourself.

How will you be kinder today--to yourself, to friends, to strangers?!

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